"Making Time": If you can't find the time to write your novel, your memoir, your screenplay, or your collection of poems, chances are you're a human being living in a society. This 90-minute Writer's Gym (itself a time crunch, and that's the point) will teach writers then to "make time," not only to carve out free moments in their day, but to write literary works during, or even about, unfree time. All genres and all levels welcome.
*Hosted by @coopgallery
*Journals + materials provided by @turnipgreencreativereuse
*Complimentary masks from @nashmask4mask + HEPA Air Purifier
*FREE with encouraged donations going to SESSION LEADER
*1st floor, wheelchair accessible
1812 21st Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212
1812 21st Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212
Generating Medium-Informed Content with Dylan Simon is a writer’s gym focused on the mediums and tools used for writing. We will look at the differences in content when writing with different mediums. Bring a favorite writing tool to use or share if you would like, but there will be typewriters, pens, pencils, and more provided. Be prepared to try multiple tools for writing, then we will talk about your experiences with them during the workshop.
*Hosted by @drkmttr
*Journals + materials provided by @turnipgreencreativereuse
*Complimentary masks from @nashmask4mask + HEPA Air Purifier
*FREE with encouraged donations going to SESSION LEADER
*1st floor, wheelchair accessible
Join poet and educator Kelly Ann Graff for 90 minutes of discussion and writing inspired by the Unbannable Library. We will delve into the personal and systematic impact of book bans, look at quotes and mentor texts by writers such as Toni Morrison, Octavia Butler & Rosa Luxemburg, and write towards reclaiming monstrosity as community power as we dream of our own survival.
*FREE W/ $5-20 suggested donation to QUILT (Queers United in Liberating TN)
*Journals + materials provided by TURNIP GREEN CREATIVE REUSE
*HEPA air purifier
*Complimentary masks from Mask4Mask Nashville
*This is a sober event
*Wheelchair accessible
DEC Writers Gym: TRANCE
Writers, artists, and creatives of all types are familiar with the struggle of capturing inspiration. The relationship to inspiration for some is a vacillation between punctuated genius and unending dry spells. For others, it is a slow, hard-fought triumph of discipline.
Join wizard (and sometimes writer) Sylas Nunn in TRANCE, a workshop that blends fantasy and reality in a quest to conjure and befriend the spirit of inspiration. This class posits that within you is an unending wellspring of creative energy buried underneath mundane consciousness. Utilizing tools of visionary mysticism such as trance, ritual, and divination, the gap can be bridged between the waking world and the vast potentiality of the dream.
Learn practical exercises to induce imaginative vision, discuss the symbology of myth and dream, and join in alchemically creative writing activities that challenge dichotomy.
*Hosted by @coopgallery
*Snacks by @dozenbakerynashville
*Journals + materials provided by @turnipgreencreativereuse
*Complimentary masks from @nashmask4mask
*This event is FREE with encouraged donations going to SESSION LEADER
*This is a sober event
*1st floor, wheelchair accessible
**CANCELLED** Sorry(!) -mgmt
Last Show & Sell of 2024(!) See y'all Sat, 12/7, 1pm-sunset with 20~ local artist-makers for the Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant.
Zines, riso+screenprint, book art, poetry, comics, illustration, ceramics, custom apparel, handmade art objects, we're making space for everyone.
TUNES by @wxnafm
PIZZA by @diceyspizzatavern
DRINKS by @jackalopebrew
+POETRY PORTRAITS by @rhymeswithllove
Join playwright, actor, director, and fight choreographer Diego Gomez for a dynamic workshop that blends movement and writing. Using a practice called Viewpoints, this class will guide you through movement exploration to develop a shared vocabulary, building a unique piece of choreography. Then, we’ll dive into writing exercises to explore and expand the narrative. Perfect for writers and creators looking to push boundaries and discover new storytelling methods! Expect an engaging 90–100 minutes of movement, discussion, and creative writing.
Ready to move, write, and create?
*This event is hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*PASTRIES provided by Dozen Bakery
*JOURNALS + PENS provided by Turnip Green Creative Reuse
*Complimentary MASKS from Mask4Mask
FNPL hosts *Show & Sell* Open-Air Maker's Bazaar for the NOVEMBER 2 Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant: Zines, Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Design, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Custom Apparel, Handmade Art, & more!
+ VOTE SIGNS by Paul Collins (!)
+ LIVE POETRY PORTRAITS by Jazz The Wordsmith
+ PIZZA by Dicey's Pizza & Tavern
+ DRINKS by Jackalope Brewing Co.
Outdoor event, pet-friendly, all-ages
WEDNESDAY 10/9 is the next Writers Gym: OBSESSIONS
OBSESSIONS tell us secrets about characters. Obsessions can destroy or transform. Obsessions can be objects, rituals, or daily acts. Carefully examining obsessions can break us out of surface-level patterns into the pleasure of reading signs from others. This workshop will be twofold: identifying and working with your own obsessions as writers, but also experimenting with how obsessions are used in shaping fictional characters.
Jenny works as a community manager in video games by daylight, and by moonlight, tries to write.
*Hosted by COOP GALLERY (507 Hagan St.)
*Journals + materials provided by TURNIP GREEN CREATIVE REUSE
*Complimentary masks from MASK4MASH
*This event is FREE with encouraged donations going to SESSION LEADER
FNPL hosts *Show & Sell* Open-Air Maker's Bazaar for the OCT 5 Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant: Zines, Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Printing + Design, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Custom Apparel, Handmade Art, & more!
Outdoor event, pet-friendly, all-ages
Zine City Fest (2!): Celebrating limited-edition and independent publishing in Nashville, TN. Featuring handmade zines, artist books, small presses, comics, poetry chapbooks, and more.
Festivities (a market, an anthology, and a full day of zine workshops + demos) will take place on Saturday, September 28th + Sunday, September 29th, 2024 with support of Artville, a visual art festival taking place in Wedgewood-Houston and Chestnut Hill. (More info at artville.org).
MORE INFO + UPDATES @ zinecityfest
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer. Each Writer's Gym features a unique entrance into the art and practice of composition. Methods and tactics presented in each Gym exist to be constructive, so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, obliterate that writer's block, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
A narrative is nothing without its setting. Regardless of genre, the places we write about become characters in themselves. As Walt Whitman said he “contain[ed] multitudes,” so does every place on earth.
How do we approach our craft mindfully when writing about real places where readers may have experienced anything on the spectrum of joy and tragedy? To what extent do we have the right to portray places we haven’t been to? How do we make places come alive?
Lily Rex is a queer poet, musician, and former journalist whose writing is driven by real-world observation. In this workshop, participants will discuss the above questions, and more, and work on short prompts. Come prepared to write about places you love or visited recently.
*This event is hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*PASTRIES provided by Dozen Bakery
*JOURNALS + PENS provided by Turnip Green Creative Reuse
*Complimentary MASKS from Mask4Mask
ZINE TOWN(!): Ahead of the September 27-29 ZINE CITY FEST II, we're hosting a special zine & book arts soiree during the Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl upstairs at The Packing Plant!
-SALT Weekly
-Amy Kuttab
-April Gloaming Publishing
-Betty Vou Plaît
-Abraham Moore
+ SUBS by Dicey's Pizza & Tavern
+ DRINKS by Jackalope Brewing Co.
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer. Each Writer's Gym features a unique entrance into the art and practice of composition. Methods and tactics presented in each Gym exist to be constructive, so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, obliterate that writer's block, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
This Writer's Gym will focus on the importance of revision within the poetic practice. By revising old drafts of poems with a new eye and exploring various strategies or 'radical' revision, poets will learn to approach their poetry with a new sense of openness and exploration.
Poets should prepare to bring drafts of their own poems to experiment with and revise, however, bringing your own work is not necessary! We will be looking into techniques that poets at any stage of their practice can integrate within their writing.
*This event is hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*PASTRIES provided by Dozen Bakery
*JOURNALS + PENS provided by Turnip Green Creative Reuse
*Complimentary MASKS from Mask4Mask
ZINE TOWN(!): Ahead of September's ZINE CITY FEST II, we're hosting a special zine & book arts soiree during the Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl upstairs at The Packing Plant!
Participating Artist-Makers:
-SALT Weekly
-Frank Hand
-Ryan King
-Nashville Comics Arts Festival
+ SUBS by Dicey's Pizza & Tavern
+ DRINKS by Jackalope Brewing Co.
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer. Each Writer's Gym features a unique entrance into the art and practice of composition. Methods and tactics presented in each Gym exist to be constructive, so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, obliterate that writer's block, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
Written words are never words only. They are symbols that utter reactions from occurring situations that evoke and carry emotions. Playwright, theater and performance artist Fjolla Hoxha (from Kosovo) will host a workshop during which the participants will be invited to look at language as a performative action. How do texts perform and what subtext drives the certain ways that they act? What power does written word hold in constructing, deconstructing and changing realities? Through writing prompts and discussions, if not finding answers, the goal of this workshop will be to expand on the complexity of these questions.
*This event is hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*PASTRIES provided by Dozen Bakery
*JOURNALS + PENS provided by Turnip Green Creative Reuse
*Complimentary MASKS from Mask4Mask
ZINE TOWN(!): Ahead of September's ZINE CITY FEST II, we're hosting a special zine & book arts soiree upstairs at The Packing Plant!
Participating Artist-Makers:
-SALT Weekly
-Elise Anderson
-Public Zoo Press
-Autumn McPeak
-Jonah Barton
+ SUBS by Dicey's Pizza & Tavern
+ DRINKS by Jackalope Brewing Co.
Join us for Summer Reuse Fest, a block party in Chestnut Hill, on Saturday, June 29 from 10am to 4pm!
-Turtle observation with @nashvillewildlifecc
-DIY artist trading cards with @nowatnpl.studio
-Activity with @adventuresci
-Vintage from @yallsboutique
-Ceramics & quilted bags from @feralpotteryco
-Artisan goods from @raeyoyoung
-Silversmith jewelry from @sedonarosestudio
-Zines from @nashvillepoetrylibrary
-Crochet cacti from @maequeenvintage
-Stained glass from Cheri Tapp
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer. Each Writer's Gym features a unique entrance into the art and practice of composition. Methods and tactics presented in each Gym exist to be constructive, so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, obliterate that writer's block, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
SESSION LEADER: Sarah Calise of Nashville Queer History
Writer's Gym: Queer Visuals - Join Sarah Calise from Nashville Queer History as they present historic queer visuals from local LGBTQ communities. Calise will talk about how we can make meaningful interpretations from historic images, even when we do not have context, which is often the case in archival institutions. Using our emotions, personal experiences, and intuition, draw inspiration from these queer visuals to create poetry, prose, art, or other creative pursuits. We will connect the past with the present as we imagine a queer future.
*This event is hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*PASTRIES provided by Dozen Bakery
*JOURNALS + PENS provided by Turnip Green Creative Reuse
*Complimentary MASKS from Mask4Mask
The Premier monthly poetry night in collaboration with the Free Nashville Poetry Library, Sewanee School of Letters, and all you lovers of love and life and language - free and open to the public.
Lana Matthews Sain is an MFA candidate in poetry at the Sewanee School of Letters. A native of Middle Tennessee, she lives and works in Sewanee, TN where she raised her two sons. Lana writes into the often dismissed experiences that shape, label and haunt southern women, and she enjoys the quiet and solace of the outdoors. She tends to quench her thirst for adventure with mountain biking, mountaineering and ultra trail running, all of which find their way into her writing.
Friday, 6/7
Cowan Center for the Arts
301 Montgomery St, Cowan, TN 37318
Three Poets, Three Perspectives on Queerness and Religion. Join us for a night that celebrates our poetic heritage in middle Tennessee.
Joshua Garcia’s poetry has appeared in Ecotone, The Georgia Review, Passages North, Ploughshares, and elsewhere. He holds an MFA from the College of Charleston and has received a Stadler Fellowship from Bucknell University and an Emerge—Surface—Be Fellowship from The Poetry Project. He lives and writes in Brooklyn, New York. His latest collection, Pentimento, is available through Black Lawrence Press.
Joey Grisham's work has appeared in Gleam, The Emerson Review, The Write Launch, On the Run, and other places. She holds an MFA in creative writing from Georgia College & State University and teaches at Austin Peay State University. Her poetry collection, Phantoms, is available through Finishing Line Press.
Stephanie Dugger's poems and nonfiction have appeared in Arts & Letters, The Boiler Journal, Calyx, Cider Press Review, Cutthroat, Gulf Stream, and others. She earned an MFA from the University of Wyoming and a PhD from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Her poetry collection, Either Way, You're Done, is available through Sundress Publication
Saturday, 6/8
HUDUBAM Booktraders
110 Franklin St #101, Clarksville, TN 37040
Et Al. Poetry Readings are at least one visiting poet, and at least one local poet reading an hour of poetry. Be provoked.
Joshua Garcia (NY)
Joshua Garcia’s debut book of poems, Pentimento, is published by Black Lawrence Press (2024): From an Italian word meaning “to repent,” a pentimento is an instance in painting when traces of an artist’s earlier decisions or mistakes are visible through the final layer(s) of paint. Using modes of confession, ekphrasis, and biblical persona, Pentimento excavates a queerness entangled in one’s faith tradition. Whether seeking to understand his relationship to god, friends, or family, Garcia interrogates questions that arise on the path to self-acceptance. In “Self-Portrait as a Virgin,” a biblical persona asks, “How else are we to take words whole / in our mouths, except as they are given?” Concerned with naming, desire, love, and belonging, Pentimento is a response to a kind of annunciation, the almost supernatural calling of the artist to find words through which the self is free to move.
His poetry has appeared in Ecotone, The Georgia Review, Passages North, Ploughshares, and elsewhere. He holds an MFA from the College of Charleston and has received a Stadler Fellowship from Bucknell University and an Emerge—Surface—Be Fellowship from The Poetry Project. He lives and writes in Brooklyn, New York.
Kashif Andrew Graham (TN)
Kashif Andrew Graham is a writer and theological librarian who received the 2023 Humanities Tennessee Fellowship in Criticism. He enjoys writing poetry on his collection of vintage typewriters and is at work on a novel about an interracial gay couple living in East Tennessee.
Kelly Ann Graff (TN)
Kelly Ann Graff (she/her) has been a line cook, a ghost writer, a caretaker, an actress, a delivery driver, a survival skills teacher, a teacher teacher, and now she is yours. Her work has been published in The Salt Weekly, Wussy Magazine, and Bible Belt Queers.
*Sunday, 6/9
*Hosted by Coop Gallery at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*This event is FREE w/ DONATIONS encouraged
*Please consider supporting our visiting poet by picking up a copy of his debut
*Beers + BYOB
ZINE TOWN(!): Ahead of September's ZINE CITY FEST II, we're hosting a special zine & book arts soiree upstairs at The Packing Plant!
Participating Artist-Makers:
-SALT Weekly
-Ansel Bard
-Ceci Tome
-Allison Rethi
+ SUBS by Dicey's Pizza & Tavern
+ DRINKS by Jackalope Brewing Co.
FNPL is celebrating the halfway point to the Zin City Fest II with a special zine & book arts mixer in the community area upstairs at The Packing Plant!
Participating Artist-Makers:
-SALT Weekly
-Aaron Zvi Felder
-Dylan Simon/Anachronistic Media Workshop
-Emma Lambiase
-Maddy Underwood
-Oddclaw Press
(Stay tuned for more info on Zine City Fest II: SEPTEMBER 27-29:
-Lady Flame
-Chet Weise (with Belly Full of Stars)
-Wisdom Way
-Richard Perkins (with The Sea People)
-Jadyn Marshall (Nashville Youth Poet Laureate)
-Nathan Spoon (with Infanta Silhouette)
-SALT Weekly
-Wakeup Comics
-Ashley Wansley
-Third Man Books
-K.Bumpas Art
-April Gloaming Press
-Waxing & Waning Journal
-Ashley Jea The Artist
-The Porch Writers' Collective
-Seven Roots Deep Botanica
-Francis House
-Creatif Moi
-Hot Mess House
-Mbellished Gifts
-Eulalia Books
-Public Zoo Press
-Mink Mobile Flash Tattoo Company
-South Nashville Action People (SNAP)
-Black Mental Health Village
-FNPL Books By Nashville Poets
-Po' Boys & Poets; Nashville
-Southern Word
*ACTIVITIES* (by Turnip Green Creative Reuse)
-Zine/Book + Bookmark Making
-Community Poem
-Erasure/Blackout Poetry
-Magnetic Poetry
Poetry Portraits by:
-Kat Johnson
-Sam Wilder
-Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum
-Dana Malone
-Alexis 'Oz' Ozden
-Eric Steineger
-Caitlin Dee
Hurts Hot Chicken
Jackalope Brewing Co.
Humphreys St. Coffee
@ THE PACKING PLANT (507 Hagan St.)
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer. Each Writer's Gym features a unique entrance into the art and practice of composition. Methods and tactics presented in each Gym exist to be constructive, so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, obliterate that writer's block, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
My land is/ain’t your land:
Writers have always found ways to explore and reclaim their relationships to nature and its resources, sometimes using it to address the society’s shortcomings, but most often as a means to imagine a utopia. In this writer’s gym, we will use the brevity and precision of the Haiku and the Tanka to reflect on the natural world around us as a call-to-action and a state of reflection.
*This event is hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*JOURNALS + PENS provided by Turnip Green Creative Reuse
*Complimentary MASKS from Mask4Mask
*Complimentary SNACKS by DOZEN BAKERY
FNPL hosts *Show & Sell* Open-Air Maker's Bazaar for the APRIL 6 Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant: Zines, Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Printing + Design, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Custom Apparel, Handmade Art, & more!
Outdoor event, pet-friendly, all-ages
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer. Each Writer's Gym features a unique entrance into the art and practice of composition. Methods and tactics presented in each Gym exist to be constructive, so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, obliterate that writer's block, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
-Journals + Pens provided, or bring your own notebook, journal, laptop, sketchpad, etc.
Join speculative fiction writer LM Davenport as we experiment with hybrid forms and texts as a way to convey nonhuman voices - an animal consciousness, a landscape, a machine, artificial intelligence, or the unnamable.
*7PM *This event is hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
FNPL hosts *Show & Sell* Open-Air Maker's Bazaar for the MARCH 2 Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant: Zines, Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Printing + Design, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Custom Apparel, Handmade Art, & more!
Outdoor event, pet-friendly, all-ages
Writing Through Grief
Grief can hit you out of nowhere. Whether it’s the loss of a family member with whom you had a complicated relationship, a devastating breakup worthy of infinite pints of Ben and Jerry’s in bed, or the realization that you’re getting older and you’re no longer a little kid, it can be hard to process all of the things that come along with such a big, heavy emotion.
Join us for a generative writing workshop, to write through it, and to share in community in order to help process some of these feelings.
Journals + Pens provided, or bring your own notebook, journal, laptop, sketchpad, etc.
WORKSHOP LEADERS: Jenna Murray and Kat Johnson
*This event is hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer. Each Writer's Gym features a unique entrance into the art and practice of composition. Methods and tactics presented in each Gym exist to be constructive, so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, obliterate that writer's block, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
-Journals + Pens provided, or bring your own notebook, journal, laptop, sketchpad, etc.
SESSION LEADER: Krysta Kaczmarzyk
This Writer's Gym will explore the craft, imagery, and practice of puppetry as generative forces.
*This event is hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*Mask-mandatory event
*Complimentary MASKS from Mask4Mask
*Complimentary SNACKS by DOZEN BAKERY
FNPL hosts *Show & Sell* Open-Air Maker's Bazaar for the FEB 3 Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant: Zines, Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Printing + Design, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Custom Apparel, Handmade Art, & more!
Outdoor event, pet-friendly, all-ages
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer. Each Writer's Gym features a unique entrance into the art and practice of composition. Methods and tactics presented in each Gym exist to be constructive, so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, obliterate that writer's block, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
-Journals + Pens provided, or bring your own notebook, journal, laptop, sketchpad, etc.
This Writer's Gym will explore the sentiment of boundaries and vulnerability through uncomfortable truths.
*This event is hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*Complimentary LIQUID DEATH
*Complimentary SNACKS by DOZEN BAKERY
Welcome FNPL's first Poet in Petite Residence: Claire Medard (!) We're kicking off her time in Nashville, TN with a poetry soiree, so bring your holiday cheer as we drink, mingle, and immerse in some holiday fervor. We're also making space for poetry too, so BYOP (Bring Your Own Poem, *thanks for the title Educators' Cooperative!) so we can host a party where interactions and introduction slip into diatribes on poetry, poetry in translation, French poetry, French poetry in translation...
Claire Medard is in town working on translating her newest book of poetry (on traveling throughout The U.S. and The South), and acting as librarian a few days each week, so be sure to drop by, check out a book, give her your personal recommendations, chat with her. Stay tuned to the FNPL IG for the updated weekly schedule.
7pm (open library hours all night!)
Coop Gallery (at The Packing Plant)
Snacks by Dozen Bakery
Drinks + BYOB
Live music by Marc Greenspon
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer. Each Writer's Gym features a unique entrance into the art and practice of composition. Methods and tactics presented in each Gym exist to be constructive, so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, obliterate that writer's block, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
-Journals + Pens provided, or bring your own notebook, journal, laptop, sketchpad, etc.
This Writer's Gym will utilize place and memory towards working through complex interpersonal relationships, exploring sensory threads of memories, and attending to the minutiae that alter moments.
*This event is hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*Complimentary LIQUID DEATH sparkling water
*This event is absolutely FREE W/ DONATIONS ENCOURAGED
FNPL hosts *Show & Sell* Open-Air Maker's Bazaar for the DEC 2 Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant: Zines, Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Printing + Design, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Custom Apparel, Handmade Art, & more!
Outdoor event, pet-friendly, all-ages
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer. Each Writer's Gym features a unique entrance into the art and practice of composition. Methods and tactics presented in each Gym exist to be constructive, so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, obliterate that writer's block, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
-Journals + Pens provided, or bring your own notebook, journal, laptop, sketchpad, etc.
This Writer's Gym will promote writing via experiments with time and memory, using prose and poetry to open up associative dynamics in translating increments of time and duration.
*This event is hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*Complimentary Liquid Death sparkling water
*This event is absolutely FREE W/ DONATIONS ENCOURAGED
FNPL hosts *Show & Sell* Open-Air Maker's Bazaar for the NOV 4 Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant: Zines, Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Printing + Design, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Custom Apparel, Handmade Art, & more!
Outdoor event, pet-friendly, all-ages
The Free Nashville Poetry Library presents: NIGHT OF THE LIQUID DEAD - A scary double feature movie event (!)
SAT, 10/28
7PM Matinee / 9PM Late Show
Front Lawn of The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
Park Wherever
Costumes Encouraged
Complimentary All You Can Drink LIQUID DEATH
Complimentary All You Can Eat POPCORN
(Bring Your Own Popcorn Receptacle!)
Free (donations encouraged!)
Vote for which movies we watch(!)
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer.
This generative writing session will feature unique prompts to respond to and engage with. Take as long or as little time as you'd like with each prompt - the prompts exist to be constructive, so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, obliterate that writer's block, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
Time provided at the end of the event if anyone would like to share something composed during the session.
Journals + Pens provided, or bring your own notebook, journal, laptop, sketchpad, etc.
SESSION LEADER: Alexis Ozden (Oz)
*This event is hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*This event is absolutely FREE W/ DONATIONS ENCOURAGED
Big Fiery Gizzard & Little Pigeon's Creativity Land: All ages activities
Poetry Piñatas
Face Painting
Bookmark Making
Magnetic Poetry Wall
Character Meet & Greets
World's (Possibly) Fastest Growing Library
& More!
In front of the TN State Museum
FNPL hosts *Show & Sell* Open-Air Maker's Bazaar for the OCT 7 Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant: Zines, Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Printing + Design, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Custom Apparel, Handmade Art, & more!
Outdoor event, pet-friendly, all-ages
Zine City Fest: Celebrating limited-edition and independent publishing in Nashville, TN. Featuring handmade zines, artist books, small presses, comics, poetry chapbooks, and more.
In conjunction with Coop Gallery’s exhibition “Into the Fold: Selections from Nashville’s 1st annual Zine City Fest”. Festivities (a market, reading, gallery show, anthology, artist talks, presentations, and zine workshops) will take place at The Packing Plant from Friday, September 29th, 2023 to Sunday, October 1st, 2023. With generous support from Artville
FRIDAY: Into The Fold, a group pop-up exhibition, curated from the makers in the Zine City Fest market, on display festival weekend only, and opening reception party/fest kickoff. Friday, September 29th, 6-9pm.
Featuring work by:
Andie Peach
Ansel Bard
Elise Anderson
Gwen Moore
Maxwell Sebastian
Meow Meow Pow Pow
*With a special performance of Flay's Anatomy at 8pm!
SATURDAY: Zine City Fest market, a free open-air event with 40+ vendors. All ages, pet-friendly, wheelchair accessible, with live DJ sets by WXNA, food/bev trucks, Saturday, September 30th, 11am-6pm.
SUNDAY: Presentations, PowerPoints, readings, demos, diatribes, and artist talk at Coop Gallery. Sunday, October 1st, 11am-5pm.
Featuring special presentations by:
Jon Sewell (with guest Klyd Watkins)
Anna Elise Anderson
Tori O Campo
Courtney Adair Johnson
M Kelley & Adam Nicholson
Richard Perkins & Jerome Spencer
*With a special artist talk ft: Tyler Friend, Robyn Lear, Cecilia Prado, Daniel Pujol, & Austin Reavis
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer.
This generative writing session will feature unique prompts to respond to and engage with. Take as long or as little time as you'd like with each prompt - the prompts exist to be constructive, so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, obliterate that writer's block, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
Time provided at the end of the event if anyone would like to share something composed during the session.
Journals + Pens provided, or bring your own notebook, journal, laptop, sketchpad, etc.
SESSION LEADERS: June Adam + Kelly Ann Graff
*This event is graciously hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*This event is absolutely FREE W/ DONATIONS ENCOURAGED
FNPL hosts *Show & Sell* Open-Air Maker's Bazaar for the SEP 2 Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant: Zines, Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Printing + Design, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Custom Apparel, Handmade Art, & more!
Outdoor event, pet-friendly, all-ages
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer.
This generative writing session will feature unique prompts to respond to and engage with. Take as long or as little time as you'd like with each prompt - the prompts exist to be constructive, so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, obliterate that writer's block, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
Time provided at the end of the event if anyone would like to share something composed during the session.
Journals + Pens provided, or bring your own notebook, journal, laptop, sketchpad, etc.
SESSION LEADER: Mary Liza Hartong
*This event is graciously hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*This event is absolutely FREE W/ DONATIONS ENCOURAGED
FNPL hosts *Show & Sell* Open-Air Maker's Bazaar for the AUGUST 5 Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant: Zines, Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Printing + Design, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Custom Apparel, Handmade Art, & more!
Outdoor event, pet-friendly, all-ages
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer.
This generative writing session will feature unique prompts to respond to and engage with. Take as long or as little time as you'd like with each prompt - the prompts exist to be constructive, so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, obliterate that writer's block, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
Time provided at the end of the event if anyone would like to share something composed during the session.
Journals + Pens provided, or bring your own notebook, journal, laptop, sketchpad, etc.
*This event is graciously hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*This event is absolutely FREE W/ $5 SUGGESTED DONATION ENCOURAGED
For the JULY 1 Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant, FNPL hosts a very special Mayoral Candidates Open Mic! Don't miss Nashville Vice Mayoral, Mayoral, and local District 17 Candidates sharing their favorite (and their own!?) poems ahead of the August 3 General Election(!)
Vivian Wilhoite
Stephanie Johnson
Sharon Hurt
Freddie O'Connell
Matt Wiltshire
Alice Rolli
Heidi Campbell
Jeff Yarbro
Jim Gingrich
Angie Henderson
Jim Shulman
Teaka Jackson
Terry Vo
Tonya Esquibel
*Open Mic starts at 7PM*
*Early Voting July 14-29*
Outdoor event, pet-friendly, all-ages
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer.
This generative writing session will feature unique prompts to respond to and engage with. Take as long or as little time as you'd like with each prompt - the prompts exist to be constructive, so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, obliterate that writer's block, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
Time provided at the end of the event if anyone would like to share something composed during the session.
Journals + Pens provided, or bring your own notebook, journal, laptop, sketchpad, etc.
SESSION LEADER: Phoebe Farrell-Sherman
*This event is graciously hosted by COOP GALLERY at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*This event is absolutely FREE W/ $5 SUGGESTED DONATION ENCOURAGED
FNPL hosts *Show & Sell* Open-Air Maker's Bazaar for the JUNE 3 Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant: Zines, Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Printing + Design, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Custom Apparel, Handmade Art, & more!
4PM-SunsetFreeOutdoor event, pet-friendly, all-ages
A night of poetry, comedy and soft power with Derrick Brown & Amber Tamblyn. Veteran authors and performers Derrick C. Brown and Amber Tamblyn are reuniting this spring for a limited run of their infamous literary performance show, which they toured nationally between 2008-2015 via motorycle.
PRETEND IT’S A BOAT combines sharply funny and heart-wrenching poetry, comedy, and wild interactions with the audience to create a truly inspired, one-of-a-kind show.
Brown and Tamblyn have toured together for two decades, turning their signature style of darkly humorous and heart-jolting poetry and verse into provocative, energized and unpredictable performances for the stage. Brown and Tamblyn will be touring between May 16th – 25th all around the South, Midwest, and North East, traveling by motorcycle as they have done in previous years. They will be cold and could use your warmth.
Spoken Word by Minton Sparks (with special guest Jerry Oliver)
Spoken Word by simp goddess
Comedy by Michael Hampton
Amber Tamblyn is an Emmy, Golden Globe and Independent Spirit Award nominated actress, writer, and director, and the author of seven books across genres, including the most recent Amazon #1 Best Seller, the critically acclaimed, Listening in the Dark; Reclaiming the Power of Women’s Intuition. Tamblyn is a contributing writer for The New York Times and The Cut on issues pertaining to gender inequality and women's rage. Shereviews books of poetry by women for Bust Magazine, was a founding member of the Times Up movement, and currently runs the popular Substack newsletter, Listening in the Dark: A Place to be Heard. She lives in New York.
Derrick C. Brown is an accomplished poet, librettist, screenplay writer, and comedian who has toured the world over opening for rock bands and comedians alike, including Eugene Mirman, David Cross, and The Cold War Kids. He is the founder of Write Blood Publishing, one of the most important and successful indie publishing houses in the country. Brown is the author of 10 books, including the recently released LOVE ENDS IN A TANDEM KAYAK. He is currently consulting and writing for film, as well as has an album in the works for Sub Pop and Pretty Good Friends. He lives in Los Angeles.
at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*SOUND + SPECIAL THANKS to Queen Ave. Collective
FNPL hosts *Show & Sell* Open-Air Maker's Bazaar for the MAY 6 Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant: Zines, Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Printing + Design, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Custom Apparel, Handmade Art, & more!
*Live DJ Sets by WXNA
Outdoor event, pet-friendly, all-ages
A Poetry Fest + Fundraiser to celebrate our home in the Wedgewood-Houston neighborhood + all things literary in Nashville (!) Benefitting the Free Nashville Poetry Library - We're asking for your dough for the 1st time (!)
Special Raffle Packages, Poetry Activities, And An Outdoor Lit Market featuring: Bookstore Pop-Ups, Small Press Publishing + DIY Poetry, Lit Orgs + Non-Profits, Local Poets, Book Artists, Screenprinting, Risography, Design, Illustration, Local Zines, Comics, Text Art, & More (!)
Outdoor Lit Market: 2PM-Sunset
Performances: 3PM
*Special Book Art Stage Area Zone by Paul Collins
*Special DJ Set by KAWAMALA
-C.I. Aki
-J. Joseph Kane
-Lagnajita Mukhopadhyay
-Klyd Watkins
-Dan Hoy
-Tyler Friend
Henry L. Jones
Amy Hoskins
Prodigal Poets - Brandon Long, AW Page
-Lydia Yousief
-Sawmill Poetry Series - Cathy Hollister, Mari Ramler
-Kat Marsh
-Richard Perkins
-Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum
-Aaron Joel Lain
-Girls Write Nashville
-The Porch Writers' Collective
-Novelette Booksellers
-April Gloaming Press
-Waxing & Waning Journal
-Eulalia Books
-hot mess house
-Random Sample
-Hey! Young Writer
-Risology Club
-Nashville Public Library
-Wakeup Comics
-Patrick Vincent, Lauren Kinney
-Low Culture Committee
-Joseph Christy, Matt Christy
-Malaka Gharib
-Austin Reavis
-Tom Shaw
-Aaron Azi Felder
-Art by Dawn
-Creatif Moi
-Trance Furnace
-Lily Rex
-Courtney Adair Johnson
-Espy Kremer
-William Lipchik & William Garrett Lee
-Dicey's Pizza Tavern (V + GF options)
-Beer by Jackalope Brewing Co.
-Coffee by Americano Lounge
-Live Typewriter Poems by MIKAYLA ELIAS
-Poetry Face Painting by Beck King
-'Bad' Portraits by DAKOTA JERNIGAN
(Get the trifecta: get a personalized poem, select your words from that poem, get a portrait with that word your face!)
-Magnetic Poetry Contest by FNPL
-Comics Drawing by Malaka Gharib
-Citizen - Contributions From Nashville's Lit Community
-Tour de Wedgewood-Houston - Contributions From Wedgewood-Houston Orgs + Businesses
+ Giveaways Graciously Donated By Friends of FNPL
*$5 Raffle Ticket, No Limit
SUNDAY, 4/30
Outdoor event, pet-friendly, all-ages
FNPL hosts *Show & Sell* Open-Air Maker's Bazaar for the APRIL 1 Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant: Zines, Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Printing + Design, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Custom Apparel, Handmade Art, & more!
*Live DJ Sets by WXNA
'Bad' Portraits by DAKOTA JERNIGAN
3-7pm (sunset)
Outdoor event, pet-friendly, all-ages
FNPL is partnering with Abortion Care Tennessee and a multitude of poets and artists to raise funds for and awareness of reproductive rights in middle-TN: Live poetry performances, local artists + makers (all donating to Abortion Care Tennessee), reproductive rights organizations + resources, DJ sets, food, and drinks. We'll be taking donations all day long. Support the cause by supporting local artists, hear from local poets, connect with reproductive rights orgs + resources.
Lily Someson
Ciona Rouse
Maggie Lee
Meg Wade
Ashley Roth
Kathy Eckerd
Wisdom Way
-Low Culture Committee
Sarah Bogdal Prints
Ave 724
Destiney Hett
Pepper & Pen
Hey! Young Writer
Wise Butter
SALT Weekly
April Gloaming Press
Waxing & Waning Journal
Richard Isaac Griggs
Kara Tyler
Andie Peach
simp goddess
Lucky Vegan
Jackalope Brewing Co.
Shawn Reilly
Outdoor event, pet-friendly, all-ages.
2pm-7pm (sunset)
$5 Suggested Donation
FNPL hosts *Show & Sell* Open-Air Maker's Bazaar for the MARCH 4 Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant: Zines, Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Design, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Custom Apparel, Handmade Art, & more!
2-6pm (sunset)
*Live DJ Sets by WXNA
'Bad' Portraits by DAKOTA JERNIGAN
*Live Typewriter Poems by MIKAYLA ELIAS
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer.
This generative writing session features unique prompts to respond to. Take as long or as little time as you'd like with each prompt - the prompts exist to be constructive so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
Time provided at the end of the event if anyone would like to share something composed during the session.
Journals + Pens provided, or bring your own notebook, journal, laptop, sketchpad, etc.
This event is graciously hosted by Coop Gallery at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*BEER by Jackalope Brewing Co.
*PASTRIES by Dozen Bakery
FNPL hosts *Show & Sell* Open-Air Maker's Bazaar for the FEBRUARY 4 Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl at The Packing Plant: Zines, Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Design, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Custom Apparel, Handmade Art, & more!
1-5pm (sunset)
Educators' Cooperative + FNPL are hosting a members-only poetry reading!
Bring a favorite poem to share, find a new favorite in the Free Nashville Poetry Library stacks, and meet local poets and educators who’ll help us write and recite our own.
EdCo Members only.
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer.
This generative writing session features unique prompts to respond to. Take as long or as little time as you'd like with each prompt - the prompts exist to be constructive so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
Time provided at the end of the event if anyone would like to share something composed during the session.
Journals + Pens provided, or bring your own notebook, journal, laptop, sketchpad, etc.
This event is graciously hosted by Coop Gallery at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
POETRY WITH A CAPITOL P: Protest, Propaganda, Presidency, Power, Politics, Profit, Panic, Police, Prison, Privilege, Patriotism, Progress...
A night of activations featuring:
Ariel Bui
Christine Hall
William Lipchik
Richard Perkins
Carson Colenbaugh
Robyn Leigh Lear
JayVe Montgomery
Espy Kremer
Freeman World
WRITER'S GYM is back!
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer.
This generative writing session will last approximately 90 minutes, and feature unique prompts to respond to. Take as long or as little time as you'd like with each prompt - the prompts exist to be constructive so feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, reorient your thinking process through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym!
Time provided at the end of the event if anyone would like to share something composed during the session.
Journals + Pens provided, or bring your own notebook, journal, laptop, sketchpad, etc.
SESSION LEADER: Jacob Milstein
*This event is graciously hosted by Coop Gallery
at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St.)
*BEER provided by Jackalope Brewing Co.(!)
*BAKED GOODS provided by Dozen Bakery(!)
*This event is absolutely FREE - DONATIONS ENCOURAGED
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
*Special Guests*Vegan Pop-Up by LUCKY VEGAN
'Bad' Portraits by DAKOTA JERNIGAN
Face Painting by BECK KING
E t A l. Poetry Readings are at least one visiting poet, and at least one local poet reading an hour of poetry. Be provoked.
The November E t A l. Poetry Reading hosts -
ANDREW ZAWACKI (GA) A 2015-16 Howard Foundation Fellow in Poetry, Andrew Zawacki is the author of five poetry books: Unsun : f/11 (Coach House, 2019), Videotape (Counterpath, 2013), Petals of Zero Petals of One (Talisman House, 2009), Anabranch (Wesleyan, 2004), and By Reason of Breakings (Georgia, 2002). A former Rhodes Scholar and Fulbright Scholar, he earned his doctorate from the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago.
Zawacki has also published four books in France: Sonnetssonnants, translated by Anne Portugal; Georgia and Carnet Bartleby, both translated by Sika Fakambi; and Par Raison de brisants, translated by Antoine Cazé and a finalist for the Prix Nelly Sachs. Anabranche, translated by Sika Fakambi, is forthcoming from Éditions Grèges.
With fellowships from the NEA, Centre National du livre, and French Voices, he translated Sébastien Smirou's My Lorenzo and See About. Zawacki also edited Afterwards: Slovenian Writing 1945-1995 and edited and co-translated Ales Debeljak's Without Anesthesia: New and Selected Poems. He is Professor of English at the University of Georgia.
Anika Potluri is a first-year MFA candidate in Poetry. She holds a BA from Cornell University where she studied Literatures in English. She was a 2020-21 Bucknell Seminar for Undergraduate Poets June Fellow. Her work appears in The Massachusetts Review and The Adroit Journal.
William Roger Lipchik is a Senior at Belmont University, Majoring in Film with an emphasis in Screenwriting, and minors in Art History. He’s an aspiring poet and comedy writer- frequenting local art magazine publications and writing for Belmont Universities sketch comedy group ‘Fall Follies’. He currently resides in Nashville, wishing he could be more like Allen Ginsberg and Joan Didion every day.
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
In celebration of historic black poetics, FNPL is teaming up with Po' Boys & Poets + EBCM for THE 3RD ANNUAL NATIONAL BLACK POETRY DAY FEST (!)
Featured Poets Lineup Includes:
James C. Floyd (The Jefferson Street Poet)
Komplex Simplicity
Black Widow
The Poet Has Spoken
Black Widow
Spoke N-Words
B. Long
Sunday, October 16th, 3-7pm
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
E t A l. Poetry Readings are at least one visiting poet, and at least one local poet reading an hour of poetry. Be provoked.
This E t A l. Poetry Reading hosts -
Kevin Sampsell (OR)
Kevin Sampsell is an editor (Portland Noir and other books), publisher (Future Tense Books), bookstore employee (Powell’s Books), collage artist, and author (the short story collection Creamy Bullets, the memoir, A Common Pornography and the novel, This Is Between Us). His book, I Made an Accident (Collages and Poems), was just released from Clash Books. His stories, poems, and essays have appeared in publications and websites such as Southwest Review, Diagram, Salon, The Rumpus, McSweeney’s, Tin House, Paper Darts, Joyland, Hobart, Longreads, Best Sex Writing 2012, and Best American Essays 2013. He lives in Portland, Oregon.
Malaka Gharib (TN)
Malaka Gharib is a journalist, cartoonist and graphic novelist. She is the author of "I Was Their American Dream," winner of the 2020 Arab American Book Award, and "It Won't Always Be Like This." By day, she works as an editor at NPR. Her comics and writing have been published in the Los Angeles Times, Catapult, The Seventh Wave Magazine, The Nib, Saveur Magazine, The Believer Magazine and The New Yorker. She has been profiled in The Washington Post and The New York Times.
Simba Alik (TN)
Simba Alik, also known as Simba The Poet, is a Nashville based spoken word artist and communications professional. Simba is involved in his community as a mentor, workshop leader, and organizer. He is most known for his contribution to the movement for Black and trans lives through his poetry.
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
E t A l. Poetry Readings are at least one visiting poet, and at least one local poet reading an hour of poetry. Be provoked.
This E t A l. Poetry Reading hosts -
Benjamin Gray
As a poet, most of my work is in senryu, haiku, and other short forms. Occasionally a longer one sneaks out, too. I have had my work published and (when there isn’t a pandemic) I perform live. I have had several solo shows and been part of many group shows. I also participate in a variety of poetry nights and open mics around the city and state. While there aren’t any live shows to see me perform at these days, a selection of my writing has been published by Vegetarian Alcoholic Press in their collection, “Return to the Gathering Place of the Waters”, and by the Haiku Society of America.
Scott Zieher
Scott Zieher was born in Waukesha, Wisconsin and received his MFA in poetry from Columbia University’s School of the Arts in 1996. His poetry has been published in The Iowa Review and The Believer and his art has been featured in Manor House Quarterly and The Pornographers, a novel by Christopher Grimes (Jaded Ibis, 2012). He has published seven books of poetry, most recently, THE BROWNSVILLE QUARTERLY, a book-length poem in the form of a newspaper that was published to coincide with a solo exhibition of collages at Marvin Gardens in June 2019. He was a founding member of Emergency Press and is the author of articles on contemporary art for numerous international publications, including the book Band of Bikers (powerHouse, 2010), a collection of found photography from the early 1970s. He and his wife, Andrea Smith-Zieher opened the contemporary art gallery ZieherSmith in 2003 in New York City and relocated to Nashville, TN, where they continue to maintain regular, nomadic programming.
June Adam
June is a writer and musician living in Nashville, TN. She had her work published in TWANG Anthology in 2020. Thank you for listening.
The people have spoken - "STOP DOING THIS DAMN SHOW", they said! In an effort to appease the unruly masses, we are de-lighted to present THE FORTIETH (and final) THAT ROSS COLLIER SOUNDFEST 2022
---- WHERE? ----
August 13th, 1:30pm - 8:30pm
---- HOW? ----
Dragon Park / Fannie Mae Dees Park
---- WHEN? ----
An absolutely FREE show, open to the public. Performances by charitable ears such as:
Glenn Echo (NYC)
Ace of Spit (St Louis)
Jasmin Kaset
Abstract Black
Anne Malin Ringwalt
Nick Woods
The West Nashville Jazz Ensemble
Donations at door AND community raffle ticket sales will benefit Edgehill's Brighter Days After School & Summer Program.
---- WHY? ----
Tables, vendors, and other community blenders involving:
Tempo Nashville - Tacos et. al
NO USE Vintage Market
Random Sample Facepainting
Ouefooze Crafts
Bea Troxel's Introvert Corner
Renascence Books
The Porch Writer's Collective
Nashville Free Poetry Library
The ASSCAP / Body Mass Index Networking Tent
Centripetal Force Records
On-site Voter Registration courtesy of TBD
... and many more!
---- WHO? ----
Why not you? Wish your name was here?
Contact us to join forces, claim a space or table to represent yourself & your organization. Eagerly accepting inclusive & kind folks of all walks of art, crafts, or otherwise thoughtful endeavors.
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
E t A l. Poetry Readings are at least one visiting poet, and at least one local poet reading an hour of poetry. Be provoked.
This E t A l. Poetry Reading hosts -
Nancy Huang
Nan Huang (黄洁) grew up in America and China. She is a Sewanee, VONA, Tin House, Watering Hole, and Pink Door fellow. Her debut poetry collection, Favorite Daughter, is out by Write Bloody Publishing. Her poetry, plays, and prose are published by The Offing, Cosmonauts Avenue, poets.org, The Margins, and film distribution company A24. She has a poetry MFA from NYU. She competed/resisted at CUPSI 2017 in Chicago, where all her poems were nominated for Best of the Rest. She sleeps in her bathtub in Brooklyn.
Tyler Friend
Tyler Friend was grown—and is still growing—in Tennessee, and they received their MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Tyler is the author of Him or Her or Whatever (Alternating Current Press, 2022) and the chapbook BUNKER, which is available in Third Man's "Literarium" book vending machine. Their poems have also shown up in Tin House, Hobart, and Hunger Mountain. They edit Francis House, design for Eulalia Books, teach, work at a library, and befriend all the cats.
Lily Someson
lily someson is a poet and essayist from Chicago. She has obtained a B.A. in Poetry from Columbia College Chicago and is a winner of the 2020 Eileen Lannan poetry prize with the Academy of American Poets, as well as the Spring 2021 Host Publications Chapbook Prize for her chapbook, mistaken for loud comets. She has been published or is forthcoming in Court Green, Queeriosity, and Columbia Poetry Review among others. She is currently a second-year Poetry MFA student at Vanderbilt University and an assistant poetry editor of the Nashville Review
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
FNPL Hosts The Second *Poets With Books During Our Pandemic* A Triple Book Release Poetry Reading, Featuring Poets Whose Books Have Been Published During Our Pandemic:
*Richard Perkins Swan Princess (Public Zoo Press) + Antichrist+
*Meg Wade Slick Like Dark (Tupelo Press)
*Lauren Turner Shape Note Singing (Vegetarian Alcoholic Press)
*Richard Perkins: Artist/Poet. Nashville local. Swan Princess, Antichrist+, Come Down Off The Cross, We Can Use The Wood. IG @whothefuckisrichardperkins
*Meg Wade is a National Poetry Series finalist and a former Diane Middlebrook Poetry Fellow at the University of Wisconsin's Creative Writing Institute. Her chapbook, Slick Like Dark, won the 2017 Tupelo Press Snowbound Chapbook Award and was published by Tupelo Press. Meg has been the recipient of an Academy of American Poets Prize and is Curator and Co-Founder of Be Witched, an award winning literary and arts event series. She lives and writes in Nashville, Tennessee where she is currently at work on a Master’s of Divinity and Vanderbilt.
*Lauren Turner is a writer and musician (Lou Turner, Styrofoam Winos) in Nashville, TN. She is an MFA candidate in poetry at Randolph College and the author of Shape Note Singing, her debut chapbook from Vegetarian Alcoholic Press. Turner’s most recent album Songs for John Venn was deemed “some kind of low-key masterpiece” by Aquarium Drunkard.
This event is outdoors, and social distancing is encouraged. BYOB + Blanket + $ To Support The Poets - Bring Home 3 New Books!
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
In celebration of historic black poetics, EBCM is partnering with Po' Boys and Poets, The Free Nashville Poetry Library, and The Packing Plant to bring you the 2nd Annual National Black Poetry Day!!
Featuring Poets:
Henry L. Jones
Debria Love
Ciona Rouse
Spoke N-Words
Mo Christo
Jody Harris
Sunday, October 17th from 3-7pm!
507 Hagan St, Nashville, TN 37212
There will be food, drinks, art, local vendors, raffles, and of course some amazing poetry! You don’t want to miss it!
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
FNPL Hosts The First In A Series *Poets With Books During Our Pandemic* A Triple Book Release Poetry Reading Featuring Poets Whose Books Have Been Published During Our Pandemic:
*C.I. Aki The World Black, Beautiful, And Beast (April Gloaming Press)
*AM Ringwalt The Wheel (Spuyten Duyvil Publishing)
*Dan Hoy Where The Sky Meets The Ocean And The Air Tastes Like Metal And The The Birds Don’t Make A Sound (Trnsfr Books)
*C.I. Aki, the son of a Nigerian economist and a Nigerian-Jamaican horticulturalist, is a poet, essayist, filmmaker, and educator based in Nashville, TN. His debut collection of poems The World Black, Beautiful, and Beast is a witness to the constraints and restraints upon the beautiful freedom of the black soul. You can follow him on Instagram @ soul_lit_writer or his linktr.ee.C.I.Aki
*AM Ringwalt is a writer and musician. The author of The Wheel (Spuyten Duyvil, 2021), her work appears or is forthcoming in Annulet, Music & Literature, Black Warrior Review and La Vague. She teaches creative writing at Belmont University and The Porch and is a contributing blogger for Action Books. Called "ghostly" by American Songwriter, Waiting Song is her most recent record.
*Dan Hoy's most recent book is the collaborative novel WHERE THE SKY MEETS THE OCEAN AND THE AIR TASTES LIKE METAL AND THE BIRDS DON'T MAKE A SOUND (Trnsfr Books, 2021), co-written with Mike Kleine. He's also the author of various poetry collections, including the poetic trilogy THE DEATHBED EDITIONS (Octopus Books, 2016), and sci-fi poetry chapbooks 1984 (Ghost City Press, 2020) and THE TERRAFORMERS (Third Man Books, 2017).
Due to the cancellation of Bonnaroo this year, FNPL is adding new artists & makers to the Sep 4 Show & Sell roster and re-dubbing itself PACKAROO! We're also super jazzed about live DJ sets by community radio station WXNA, and vegan fare from local punks Guerilla Bizkits!
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
In the moment, we tend to immediately perceive experiences as “good” or “bad.” But a lot of the time, they’re just different shades of learning. Everything you’ve ever endured was meant to teach you something about yourself.
— Aetna Health Insurance Verified Twitter Account
I'm VERY excited to announce the release of my new chapbook, Republic of Gum.
It's been a long five years. The poems in the book were written in 2016-2017. I've been sitting on them because it didn't feel like the right time to put it out until now. It's less I'm releasing a book and more I'm being released from it. You know what I mean.
These are poems that were written on the precipice of a collapse that is now coming to pass. They're filled with portents of plagues, frogs, and virality. It's a real time portrait of fracturing and a collection pre-apocalyptic poems: before the end, before the collapse, before the law, and before always deferred revelations, as language collapses feedback.
Lagnajita Mukhopadhyay- Indian-born epic poem collage stranger on self-imposed exile from New Nashville and finishing her "break up with America tour". Author of "This is Our War" (Penmanship Press 2016), "Everything Is Always Leaving" (M.C. Sarkar & Sons, Kolkata, 2019) and "Eveything Is Always Leaving".
(she's moving soon- see her while you still can )
Sam Malick Petschulat - the homie
Isolation Room- ambient vibes and shadowy beats
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
*Show & Sell* An Open-Air Maker's Bazaar at the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl - Zines, Indie + Experimental Comics, Small Press + DIY Poetry, Experimental Printing + Graphic Design, Book Art + Art Books, Risograph, Indie Illustrators, Screenprinting, Textual Textiles, Manga, Visual Language Art, Local + Handmade Art, and more!
Po; Boys and Poets in collaboration with The Free Nashville Poetry Library present the
In celebration we will be releasing our long awaited book MAKE Vol. 2 a Po’boys and poets Anthology.
This festival will include Live poetry, as well as wide range of vendors: Visual Artists, Authors, merchants.
This will be a great experience filled with high energy great vibes and beautiful art.
Enormous Rooms(!), inspired by Volta's "Interiors" series. Poets, from Nashville and not from Nashville give us an update of their life under quarantine and perform some poetry.
We open the series with Lagnajita Mukhopadhyay, who checks in from Phoenix, Arizona. She was touring her poetry album ‘i don’t know anyone here’ when the pandemic began and has been stranded in a transitory purgatory since then.
Lagnajita Mukhopadhyay was the first Nashville Youth Poet Laureate and the 2016 Poet Ambassador for the Southeast. She has been published in Nashville Arts Magazine, The Tennessean, Chapter 16, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Shanghai Literary Review, Atlas and Alice, The Felt, Indian Lit, and Poetry Society of America and forthcoming in Connecticut River Review. Her first book "this is our war" was released through Penmanship Press in 2016. Her second book "everything is always leaving" was released through M.C. Sarkar & Sons in Kolkata, India in 2019. And also, very recently her poetry album ‘i don’t know anyone here’ has been published and released in Nashville, TN.
Also Featuring: Chance Chambers, Bill Brown, Shaunna Barbee
It's the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl (!) So: DREAM SOUP & OPEN MICCompose your very own dream poem from our collection of dream fragments & read your dream! Or dream a dream you’ve already dreamed - it’s a dream open mic (!)DREAM with us + SOUP with us = DREAM SOUP with us (!)*Soup + Sign-up - 6 *Open Mic - 7 *FREEPoetry Alley at THE PACKING PLANT - 507 Hagan St.
Join us as we kickoff FNPL's 1st Poet-In-Residence: MATHIAS SVALINA & the DREAM DELIVERY SERVICE (!)
"As the Dream Delivery Service I write dreams every day & deliver them to subscribers for a month: hand-deliver via bike before dawn to nearby subscribers & by mail to more distant subscribers." ~ dreamdeliveryservice.com ~ Featuring ~DREAM POETRY~ by: ~Mathias Svalina~ ~Kashif Graham~ ~Dana Malone~ ~Alric McDermott~ ~Meg Wade~& "all that dirt for sleeping" by jacob stovall
~FREE~ ~8PM~~BEER: Small-batch Legends of The Fall Lager (!) by Jackalope Brewery (Donations Much Appreciated)~ ~DREAM DELIVERY SUBSCRIPTIONS sign-up~ ~SPECIAL THANKS to Channel to Channel (Ft. Dustin Hedrick's immersive, entire-gallery show 'Cutting Edge')~ ~At The Packing Plant: 507 Hagan St.~
In partnership with Metro Arts Thrive, The Free Nashville Poetry Library, POVA (Poverty and the Arts), and led by Free Frye Performance Group, 21c Presents INFAMI. A multiple media project founded in poetry, INFAMI is an ensemble production exploring relationships through channels of spoken word, dance, and visual arts. Love, Ancestry, Brotherhood, and the Invisible are among the topics explored by a diverse group of artists with vast backgrounds, including those previously and currently impacted by homelessness. INFAMI reveals that these issues are not simply black and white, but consist of a complex maelstrom of problems that can only be solved selflessly.
Join us for this special event December 8th at 6pm. Free and open to the public with complimentary wine
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer. The session will last approximately 90 minutes, and feature unique prompts to respond to. Take as long or as little time as you'd like with each prompt. The prompts are there to be helpful; feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, reorient your thinking pattern through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym. If anyone would like to read something they’ve just written, that’s how we’ll finish the session.
Session Leader: Jacob Milstein
The Free Nashville Poetry Library, at The Packing Plant, and with assistance from Channel to Channel, is celebrating its 1 year (~& a day~) Anniversary (!)
We're celebrating by throwing (what else) a POETRY READING, having open library hours & checking out books, plus we'll be accepting book donations, and peddling FNPL merch (*all of which is made by commissioning local artists, and proceeds from which pay the poets, and keep the library going*).
Like all FNPL events, entry is ABSOLUTELY FREE (*Donations are very ENCOURAGED*), and all are welcome.
BEER provided by the stellar souls of Nashville’s own JACKALOPE BREWING (*again, donations very ENCOURAGED y’all*).
Join us as we welcome visiting poet MATT HART (OH), new Nashville poet MIKE YOUNG (Formerly of NM), and bonafide Nashville poet GABRIELA GONZALES (!)
MATT HART is the author of seven books of poems, including most recently Radiant Action and Radiant Companion. Everything Breaking/For Good is just out from YesYes Books. Hart’s poems, reviews, and essays have appeared or are forthcoming in The Academy of American Poetsonline, Big Bell, Gulf Coast, Harvard Review, Jam Tarts Magazine, jubilat, Kenyon Review online, Lungfull!, and POETRY, among others. After earning his BS in Philosophy from Ball State University in 1992, Hart recorded and toured as lead vocalist for the LOOKOUT! Records band Squirtgun. Their music was featured both on MTV and in the Kevin Smith movie Mallrats. In 2001, Hart earned an MFA in Poetry from the Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers. His awards include a Pushcart Prize, a 2013 individual artist grant from The Shifting Foundation, and fellowships from both the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference and the Warren Wilson College MFA Program for Writers. A co-founder and the editor-in-chief of Forklift, Ohio: A Journal of Poetry, Cooking & Light Industrial Safety (now celebrating its 25th year without a lost-time accident!), he lives in Cincinnati where he is Associate Professor in Creative Writing and the Chair of Liberal Arts at the Art Academy of Cincinnati. Currently, he plays guitar and shouts in the band NEVERNEW.
MIKE YOUNG is the author of two poetry collections: 2014’s Sprezzatura, and 2010’s We Are All Good If They Try Hard Enough, which was selected by readers ofThe Believer as one of the Top 20 Poetry Books of 2010. He is also the author of the story collection Look! Look! Feathers, which Publishers Weekly called "relevant, wise, and immensely enjoyable." Since 2007, he's run Magic Helicopter Press, which puts out chapbooks and full length books and interactive art. MHP has received nice nods from the New York Times, Nylon, The Rumpus, American Book Review, and others. Mike lives in Nashville, TN, but his band, Clementine Was Right, still lives in Santa Fe, NM.
GABRIELA GONZALES is a Nashville based writer infatuated with the beautiful tragedy of human connection. She has had work published in Awakened Voices Literary Magazine, formercactus, Synaesthesia Magazine, and Waxing and Waning journal, and has work forthcoming in Cosmonauts Avenue, Lost Balloon Magazine, and Wigleaf. She is a writing mentor with the Nashville non-profit Southern Word. Gabriela really appreciates giraffes, the oxford comma, and babies dressed like hipsters.
It's the 1st Saturday Wedgewood-Houston Art Crawl (!) & Free Nashville Poetry Library will be setup & bursting forth with A POETRY OPEN MIC from Poetry Alley Gallery at The Packing Plant (507 Hagan St).
Featuring poet CHLOE ROSE
5pm: Signups start
6-7pm: OPEN MIC
*5 minute MAX
FNPL will also have our GLORIOUS MERCH (Shirts, Journals, Lighters, Pocket Knives, more - All by TN artists) setup alongside SALT WEEKLY, who are releasing their newest issue (!)
Come out & SHOP=SUPPORT (!)
A poetry reading often enacts the proximity and overlap between the attention of the audience and the utterance of the poet. *Poem Eat Song* hopes to enact a further threshold - the proximity and overlap between the lyric (as utilized/enacted in music toward a pairing with instrumental/harmonic melody) and the lyric (as it pertains to page, a single person’s utterance, to the poetic 'I' in written form, outside of, or with a different attention to, collaboration).
*Bea Troxel (of Bea Troxel)
*Jacob Milstein (of Jacob Milstein)
*JayVe Montgomery (of Abstract Black)
Bea Troxel (of Bea Troxel) -
CJ Hauser writes in her recent essay "The Crane Wife," "There is nothing more humiliating to me than my own desires." Bea Troxel's latest songs ask questions about rejection and sadness in relation to unrequited love. Doesn't the action of desiring create more strength, more resilience, and more joy even if the object of desire is never found? Can our ability to want change us? Her piece will be an exploration of want through the lens of lyric and sound.
Jacob Milstein (of Jacob Milstein) -
JayVe Montgomery (of Abstract Black) -
“The Negro With The Trumpet At His Lips” is an electroacoustic exploration of Langston Hughes’ poem “Trumpet Player”. Montgomery will trigger sections of the poem and respond with tantara translations, creating sonic clouds in which the listener should ponder the sound at the bottom of a slave ship.
Join us at The Free Nashville Poetry Library on July 30th at 8pm as we host KIM VODICKA, KATE JAYROE, and MEAGEN CRAWFORD, for an evening of poetry, performance, and multi-media exploration, exegesis, and ecstasy.
KIM VODICKA The spokesbitch of a degeneration and heart-reactionary at the rearguard of the rose arts, Vodicka is the author of three full-length poetry collections: AESTHESIA BALDERDASH (Trembling Pillow Press, 2012), PSYCHIC PRIVATES (White Stag Publishing, 2018) and THE ELVIS MACHINE (CLASH Books, 2020), as well as the creator of several multimedia works, including a poetic comic series and a chapbook of sound poems on vinyl. A two-time finalist for the Tarpaulin Sky Book Prize, her work can be found in TENDERLOIN, SPORK, QUEEN MOB'S TEAHOUSE, BEST AMERICAN EXPERIMENTAL WRITING, and elsewhere. She will be joined in a multi-media performance of THE ELVIS MACHINE by HANNAH BEAUX NEAL. Cruise her at: kimvodicka.com
KATE JAYROE From Little Mountain, South Carolina, and a graduate of Sewanee: The University of the South, and staff member of the Sewanee Writer’s Conference, Kate Jayroe holds a master's degree in fine arts from Portland State University, where she currently lives. Author of the chapbook PARTS (Dorsa Brevia Press, 2018), her writing can be found in HAYDEN'S FERRY REVIEW, TAMMY, JOYLAND, VOL 1. BROOKLYN, JUKED, and elsewhere. More at: katejayroe.com
MEAGEN CRAWFORD A long-time Nashville resident and co-founder and co-editor of the literary and arts journal 'Pider, Meagen Crawford's work has previously appeared in TAGVVERK, ICHNOS, PRELUDE, APARTMENT, and X-PERI. A multimedia artist as well as a poet, Crawford will be performing CURSED IMAGE, a long poem and video installation exploring the temporal and identitarian displacements and exigencies of social media consumption.
This First Saturday Wedgwood-Houston Art Crawl join us at the FREE NASHVILLE POETRY LIBRARY and THE PACKING PLANT as we host our monthly Open Mic Series, this rendition featuring THE NASHVILLE MAYORAL AND METRO COUNCIL CANDIDATES (jJon Sewell, John Clemmons, Fabian Bedne, Howard Jones, Julia Clark-Johnson, and more) (!!!) Candidates will read both their favorite poems as well as original poetry and will be available for questions and conversation. Maybe Plato was wrong.. tonight we will lift the ban of poets from the Republic (!) Open Mic sign-up begins at 6:30 pm, with readers scheduled to begin at 7pm (!)
The E t A l. Poetry Readings are, at least, one visiting poet, and, at least, one local poet reading an hour of poetry. Be provoked.
This E t A l. Poetry Reading hosts -
Emily O'Neill
Courtney Brown
Collins I. Aki
Emily O'Neill teaches writing and tends bar in Cambridge, MA. Her debut poetry collection, Pelican (2015), won YesYes Books' inaugural Pamet River Prize for women and nonbinary writers, as well as the 2016 Devil's Kitchen Reading Series in Poetry. Her second collection with YesYes, a falling knife has no handle (2018), was named one of the ten most anticipated poetry titles of fall by Publishers Weekly and was long-listed for the Julie Suk Award from Jacar Press. She is the author of five chapbooks and her recent work appears in Bennington Review, Catapult, Hypertrophic Literary, Little Fiction, Redivider, and Salt Hill, among others.
Born in California, raised (mostly) in Texas, and now living in Tennessee, Courtney Sinclaire Brown is a poet and scholar, currently working on a Ph.D. in English Literature and an MFA in Poetry at Vanderbilt University. She previously studied literature and poetry at Rice University where she was also the editor-in-chief of R2: The Rice Review. Her poems have appeared in R2: The Rice Review and Poets.org, and she is the current Visual Arts & Comics Editor and Co-Poetry Editor for the Nashville Review. Catch her any day spending way too much time chilling with (and writing about) her crazy-anxious dog.
Collins I. Aki studied English rhetoric at the University of Texas at Austin and theology and philosophy at Vanderbilt Divinity School. He has independently published two novels on mysticism and love prior to his current release of poems and comments, entitled “This Book Has No Title: The Black Book.”
Aki describes his efforts of Afro-futuristic themes and fast-turning verses as “soul literature.” He is convinced that the strength of the future will be in the freedom of color. He teaches English and the language arts for an independent grade school in Nashville.
(Instagram @soul_lit_writer)
*This event is FREE, & Donation Are Encouraged (!)
*Our Visiting & Local Poets Will Have Books & Poetry Objects Available For Purchase, Please Support Them By Picking Something Up*
3:00 Anna Gordon
3:15 Chris Ketchum +
3:30 Meg Wade *
3:45 Olatunde Osinaike +
4:00 Richard Harper *
4:15 Ashley Roth +
4:30 Maggie Wells *
4:45 Lagnajita Mukhopadhyay +
Brought to us by:
* = Be Witched
+ = The Free Nashville Poetry Library
Join us June 8, 2019 at the 919 Complex off of Gallatin Ave, right in the heart of East Nashville, as we spotlight the many different creative endeavors our neighbors are involved in. As residents, business owners, and just freakin’ fans of all things within Nashville, we wanted to find a way to celebrate the various facets of this thriving creative community with one huge block party. With the help of our wonderful partners and sponsors The East Nashvillian, Youth Empowerment through Arts & Humanities, Inc., Tournament Studio, Friendly Arctic Printing & Design, Soft Junk, Delgado Guitars, Underwood (Union Wine Company), Slow & Low, Pennington Distilling Co., Stringjoy, Nashville Hemp, SoBro Coffee Company, and Bristow Gin, Under the Sun will be a day of community fun that you don't want to miss!
From music, art, poetry, makers, and more, our goal is to create an environment of collaboration that blends these different worlds together. What better way to do this than a day out in the sun, drinking good beer and cocktails, shopping our amazing vendors, and eating the best food truck food Nashville has to offer? So come party with us as we celebrate everything Under The Sun!
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer. The session will last approximately 90 minutes, and feature unique prompts to respond to. Take as long or as little time as you'd like with each prompt. The prompts are there to be helpful; feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, reorient your thinking pattern through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym. If anyone would like to read something they’ve just written, that’s how we’ll finish the session.
Session Leader: Jacob Milstein
Hot Summer Nights(!) Come on out to the Poetry Alley Gallery OPEN MIC - at The Packing Plant for the Wedgewood/Houston Art Crawl (!)
-Sign Up Starts @ 6:30
-Live Poetry @ 7-8PM (5 Minute Time Limit)
* FEATURED POETRY * By Po' Boys n Boys
Join us Wednesday, May 22 at 8pm for DREAM EATER, an immersive poetry experience presented by the Free Nashville Poetry Library. Featuring LA poet Giulia Bencivenga along with local poets Dan Hoy & Crystal Wood, with soundscapes and lights by Doug Lehmann. Bring your own body.
*** Los Angeles-based poet Giulia Bencivenga is touring the United States to celebrate the release of Giulia Bencivenga is a Maniac (Inpatient Press) and Unreasonable Whole (Gauss PDF). She runs the reading series Two Snake in LA with her best friend, Emily.
Dan Hoy is the author of The Deathbed Editions (Octopus Books, 2016) and several poetry chapbooks, including The Terraformers (Third Man Books, 2017) and The Tree (Solar Luxuriance, 2016). His recent collaboration with Mike Kleine, We R the World, was featured in the 2019 Spring Thing Festival of Interactive Fiction. He lives in Nashville, TN.
Crystal Wood's writing is concerned with the fine line between the surrealist state and human reality. She explores the idea of tapping into unconscious realms and the power held within memory. She self-published her first collection of poems entitled "The Vine" in 2016, and is currently located in Nashville, TN. *** This event is FREE (Donations are encouraged!) Special Thanks to Channel To Channel Gallery
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer. The session will last approximately 90 minutes, and feature unique prompts to respond to. Take as long or as little time as you'd like with each prompt. The prompts are there to be helpful; feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, reorient your thinking pattern through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym. If anyone would like to read something they’ve just written, that’s how we’ll finish the session.
Session Leader: Jacob Milstein
Zines, Comics, Art Books, DIY Bookmakers, Self Published Poetry, Riso, Prints, Small Press Books
-April Gloaming Press
-Crappy Magic Magazine
-Endless Hunger Zine
-Extended Play Press
-Flatrock Poetry Open Mic
-Free Nashville Poetry Library
-Jetpack Stacey's Lemozine
-Nashville Public Zine Library
-Paper Towel Zine
-Po' Boys & Poets
-Risology Club
-SALT Weekly
-Wakeup Comics
-Waxing & Waning Journal
-Benji Anderson (@ kunkysu)
-Grant Gasser (@ grant.gasser)
-Zach Halfhill ( @ guerillabizkit) -Michael Hampton (@ mampyhikes)
-Kate Madeira (@ katemadeira)
-Ellen Schlabach (@ ellenschlabach_art)
-Maxwell Sebastian (@ maxwellsebastian)
-Lauren Rucker (@ motharucka)
-Chelsea Velaga (@ chelsea.velaga)
* Wedgewood/Houston Art Crawl *
* at The Packing Plant 507 Hagan St. *
The Nashville Independent Poetry Festival is a FREE Metro Arts THRIVE grant-funded all-day, all-ages, pet-friendly, outdoor celebration of the independent creative writing communities of Nashville! www.nashvillepoetryfestival.com
Join us at The Bongo Java Lot, at East Nashville’s famed 5-Points, as we celebrate with live poetry performances, small presses, local bookstores, independent journals & zines, representatives from reading series & open mics, literary collectives & non-profits! Bring a blanket, bust out the lawn chairs, & don’t forget the sunscreen! Food trucks will be on-site, and, for the adult poets, we’ll have a full beer & booze bar! For the young poets we’ll have plenty of activities, including live illustrated caricatures, arts & crafts/jewelry-making with letters, beads, and gemstones, a magnetic poetry wall contest, face-painting/temporary tattoos & poems on demand!
Featured Poets: Christine Hall, Kory Wells (The Poet Laureate of Murfreesboro), Nathan Spoon, Frank 'Frizzy' Sykes, Mumina Ali (The 2019 Youth Poet Laureate of Nashville), Dr. Destiny O. Birdsong
(Special Guest Poets: Drew Sevel, C.A. Williams, Caitlyn Parris, Ashley Trabue)
Participating Community Members:The Porch Writer's Collective, Extended Play Press, April Gloaming Press, Waxing & Waning Journal, The Regenerates: Authors & Arttists, Southern Word, Turnip Green Creative Reuse, McKay's Books, Defunct Books, Wakeup Comics, Fairytales Bookstore, Risology Club, Crappy Magic Experience, Black Dog Beads, A Night of Free Speech, Lyrical Brew, Poetry In The Boro, East Side Storytellin', Flatrock Poetry Open Mic, Poetry In The Brew, Po Boys n Poets, Nashville Canon Revue, World of Woohoo, SALT Weekly, Cold Lunch Recordings, Banana Tapes
Festival Sponsors:Vui's Kitchen, I Love Juice Bar, The Porch Witer's Collective, Nashville Fringe Festival, The Wild Cow, Bongo Java Co., Clawson's Pub & Deli, Flatrock Coffee & Tea, Gardens of Babylon, Third Coast Comedy Club
ROSIE ACCOLA Rosie Accola is a zine-maker, editor, and poet who splits her time between Michigan and Chicago. Her work has been published in Peach Mag, Hooligan Magazine, and Cosmonauts Avenue, among others. "Referential Body" is her first full-length collection. https://ghostcitypress.com/books/referential-body https://www.peachmgzn.com/rosie-accola https://sundresspublications.wordpress.com/2018/03/12/the-wardrobes-best-dressed-feel-better-by-rosie-accola/
FRANKIE IMPASTATO Frankie Impastato is a New York native, drummer, and writer affiliated with Hooligan Magazine. She tours with the bands Masceal and Oso Oso. She’s picky about bagels and likes to wear stripes.
CHLOE ROSE Chloe Rose is a Nashville based musician and poet, transfemme fire spirit, and skater brat whose writing explores, confronts, and recalibrates the bodily expectations and demands embedded in contemporary society.
It's National Poetry Month (!) & The Nashville Independent Poetry Festival is ~1~ week away(!) So come out & share us a poem as we re-unveil the Design Art for *THE NASHVILLE INDEPENDENT POETRY FESTIVAL* with a Poetry Alley Gallery OPEN MIC - at The Packing Plant, as part of the Wedgewood/Houston Art Crawl(!)
-Sign Up Starts @ 6:30
-Live Poetry @ 7-8PM (5 Minute Limit)
* FEATURED POET * - Ashley Trabue (https://dulcetshop.myshopify.com/collections/frontpage/products/vertebrae-ashley-trabue)
Also presenting *HUGE Bookmarks!*, a poem each from Nashville poet Nathan Spoon, & Murfreesboro Poet Laureate Kory Wells - These super-enhanced mockups will be made into regular-sized bookmarks & available at *THE NASHVILLE INDEPENDENT POETRY FESTIVAL* (!)
ALL FEST ART & DESIGN by: Nashville artist Caroline Bowman is responsible for the art & design behind Cold Lunch Recordings’ Spew Fest, Bob Fest, Halloweird, East Nashville Crawfish Bash, and has designed for Sad Baxter, TWEN, Whoa Dakota, Record Store Day, & SXSW showcases (!)
A Poetry Marathon Featuring:
Local Poets Joe Nolan, Dan Hoy, Craig Freeman, Jacob Stovall + YOU!
Sign ups online + at the event, 1- min slots.
Readings start: 12 Noon
Local Musicians Jacob Milstein, Paul Nelson.
A poetry reading often enacts the proximity and overlap between the attention of the audience and the utterance of the poet. Poem Eat Song hopes to enact a further threshold - the proximity and overlap between the lyric (as utilized/enacted in music toward a pairing with instrumental/harmonic melody) and the lyric (as it pertains to page, a single person’s utterance, to the poetic 'I' in written form, outside of collaboration).
-Sadie Dupuis (of Speedy Ortiz)
-Daniel Lucca Pujol (of Pujol)
-Lauryn Peacock (of Lauryn Peacock)
-Lauren Turner (of Styrofoam Winos)
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer. The session will last approximately 90 minutes, and feature unique prompts to respond to. Take as long or as little time as you'd like with each prompt. The prompts are there to be helpful; feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, reorient your thinking pattern through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym. If anyone would like to read something they’ve just written, that’s how we’ll finish the session.
Session Leader: Jacob Milstein
Come out & party with us as we unveil the ART for *THE NASHVILLE INDEPENDENT POETRY FESTIVAL*(!) We’ll be twisting the night away to DJ Maggie Wells, sipping FREE Jackalope Beer, & trying to read whilst playing tag at The Packing Plant, as part of the Wedgewood/Houston Art Crawl, 6-9PM.
Also presenting *HUGE Bookmarks!*, featuring a poem each from Nashville poet Nathan Spoon, & Murfreesboro Poet Laureate Kory Wells(!) These super-enhanced mockups will be made into regular-sized bookmarks & available at *THE NASHVILLE INDEPENDENT POETRY FESTIVAL* this April(!)
ART & DESIGN by: Nashville super-artist Caroline Bowman is responsible for the art & design behind Cold Lunch Recordings’ Spew Fest, Bob Fest, Halloweird, East Nashville Crawfish Bash, and has designed for Sad Baxter, TWEN, Whoa Dakota, Record Store Day, & SXSW showcases (!)
We’ll also be joined by:
-THE FREE NASHVILLE POETRY LIBRARY - Books for checkout + merch by TN artists for sale
-WAKEUP COMICS - Purveyors of Alternative, Small Press, Indie books + Graphic Novels
-SALT WEEKLY - An irreverent new Nashville zine
-EXTENDED PLAY PRESS - Makers of fine Art Books by Nashville artists
Join us at The Free Nashville Poetry Library for an evening that aims to explore the intersections of self expression in the form of poetry, the historical & cultural shape of these Nashville poets as it relates to their writing in, and of, the region, and the urgency of hearing & being heard by a wider array of communities.
Featuring live poetry performances, & a presentation/commentary of an influential piece of art in these poets’ voices:
Joseph Powell presents his poetry in relation to “Love Supreme,” recorded by iconic bandleader, and saxophonist John Coltrane. “Love Supreme,” Coltrane’s legendary 1964 album, was recorded in one take on December 9th, 1964, and continues to be revered for its transcendent evocation of the spiritual and the sublime. The album is considered by many critics, and music historians to be the greatest album ever recorded.
Kat Marsh presents her writings as they relate to the visual work of Thomas Miller, best known for his collection of mosaics of the founders of DuSable Museum of African American History in Chicago; The historical, political artifacts of yearbooks in their depictions of race, and identity; The invention of the gas mask, then called a “smoke hood,” by African American inventor, politician, and businessman Garrett Morgan Sr.
Frank 'Frizzy' Sykes presents his performative poetry in response, and engagement with, Dr. Martin Luther King's historic "I Have A Dream" speech, delivered at The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28th, 1963. Considered the most influential speech of the 20th century by many historians, Dr. King famously departed from his pre-written speech at the call to "Tell them about the dream" from Mahalia Jackson, forming one of the most important, inspirational moments of the Civil Rights Movement.
- Guest Performance By JayVe Montgomery- JayVe Montgomery will present a brief lecture on the life and work of James Weldon Johnson, Literature and Creative Writing Professor at Fisk University, and author and co-composer of the alternative national anthem for the United States of America, 'Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing'. Underscoring and amending the social erasures experienced by members of the black diaspora in post-colonial apartheid societies, he'll perform a rendition of 'Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing 'on saxophone.
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer. The session will last approximately 90 minutes, and feature unique prompts to respond to. Take as long or as little time as you'd like with each prompt. The prompts are there to be helpful; feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, reorient your thinking pattern through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym. If anyone would like to read something they’ve just written, that’s how we’ll finish the session.
Session Leader: Jacob Milstein
An evening of electronic sound art that utilizes the textual or spoken word as an experimental dynamic in performance. With Eve Maret, Linda Heck, and visiting writer/artist Haydyn Marina Jackson. //
Eve Maret Eve Maret is a multimedia artist and musician who employs a wide array of electronic and experimental techniques in her various disciplines, exploring the possibilities of personal and communal healing through art. Living in Nashville Tennessee, she is a co-founder and facilitator of the Hyasynth House, an electronic music collective and education center for female, trans, and non-binary musicians, artists, and producers. https://evemaret.bandcamp.com/ //
Linda Heck Linda Heck, of Memphis , TN , is a multimedia artist, musician, writer and founder of Electric Arcadia, a recording-based therapy retreat in Sewanee, TN that seeks to uncover the language of non-violent communication through the creative process and immersion in nature. Examining intersections of the occult, musical and literary tropes of the world canon, chance-based compositional procedures, and temporal re-alignment, Linda Heck’s multiple practices usher in a reunion of the lyric and the lyre, bridging the literary and musical divide, currently probing into the folk music of the computer. https://soundcloud.com/linda-heck //
Haydyn Marina Jackson Haydyn Marina Jackson is a multimedia poet currently situated in Asheville, NC, whose work speaks to a sense of new life in industrialized thought processes as they rub up against subtle naturalism and primal landscapes. Through allusions to expansiveness, location, and the body she investigates avant-garde romanticism, tactile textures, and spiritual trust in memory and modernism. She is the author of “Storm Surge Interlude” and “Sleep with Lava Inside” published by sensu____speak press of New Mexico. https://www.haydynmarinajackson.com/
A Celebratory Event of & For The Poetry of Rae Armantrout
A celebration the indomitable poetry of Rae Armantrout! Readings of her work by Nashville poets, readings of original poetry written in response, a presentation of recordings from poets outside of Nashville, a discussion of her writing, FOLLOWED by a live SKYPE chat with the poet Rae Armantrout herself (!)
Rae Armantrout is the author of 14 books of poetry, and a Pulitzer Prize winning poet whose books have repeatedly been finalists for The National Book Award.
Come to write. Need not consider yourself a writer. The session will last approximately 90 minutes, and feature unique prompts to respond to. Take as long or as little time as you'd like with each prompt. The prompts are there to be helpful; feel free to reinterpret them, flip them, or do your own thing entirely. Explore your mind, compose specific poems or stories on the spot, reorient your thinking pattern through unorthodox entrances, or edit something you’ve already written — It’s your gym. If anyone would like to read something they’ve just written, that’s how we’ll finish the session.
Session Leader: Jacob Milstein
The E t A l. Poetry Readings are, at least, one visiting poet, and, at least, one local poet reading an hour of poetry. Be provoked.
Evan Kennedy //
Evan Kennedy is a poet and bicyclist who lives in San Francisco. He is the author of Jerusalem Notebook (O’clock Press), The Sissies (Futurepoem), and Terra Firmament (Krupskaya).
Olatunde Osinaike //
Olatunde Osinaike is a Nigerian-American poet and software developer from the West Side of Chicago. A Best of the Net and Bettering American Poetry nominee, his poem 'Mercy, Mercy Me' was recently selected by Kyle Dargan for inclusion in the 2018 Best New Poets anthology. An alumnus of Vanderbilt University, his most recent work has appeared, or is forthcoming, in Kweli, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, Cosmonauts Avenue, Lunch Ticket, Puerto del Sol, and Columbia Poetry Review, among other publications. His manuscript, The New Knew, was shortlisted for the 2018 C&R Press Winter Chapbook Series. He is currently on poetry staff at The Adroit Journal and you can find him at www.olatundeosinaike.com.
Maggie Wells //
Maggie Wells is the author of Pluto (The Wrath of Dynasty) and co-founder of Press Body Press. Her work has been featured in Best American Erotic Poems: From 1800 to the Present, The Cadence of Hooves Anthology, Nailed Magazine, Free Lunch, Dick Pig Review, Inquisitive Eater and others. She currently co-produces an art, music and literary event series called, Be Witched. Maggie writes an advice column under a pseudonym and currently lives in Nashville.